Mary Buckner

My Activity Tracking

48.5 km

42 km

Nearly over and out!

The finish line is in sight!

Just want to say thank you to all who supported this event with encouragement, kind words, loving intentions and financial donations.  
I set the original goal  at $100 as I thought it would be hard for me to raise more.    I am so grateful to you all for helping me to think differently.

Today is the last day for this event. I have enjoyed it with you all.  

The tussle between fundraisers, Hamish Waugh, Sue Wills and Chris Brough was impressive.  Throughout May they have jostled for first, second and third positions and  between them they have now raised about $15,000 dollars and rising.

If you'd like to make a contribution to remember a loved one, or to help protect someone's future, it could be fun to donate to one of the front runners so you can join the run up to the finish line. Together we can be amazing.  

Love, fun and health  to you all.

Big Moon tonight!

As we walked tonight the moon come up golden and was behind a row of poplars to start with, like it was looking through a curtain.   So close, it felt as if you could step into the liquid gold.  So beautiful.

We did it! 42ks and $433 raised! This is for Beryl.

This is a moment to celebrate: the marathon goal of 42 ks has been achieved and the fundraising goal of $100 has now raised $433.   Thank you all for your support  I could not have done it without you.

As I walked tonight's 1.1 k around the block I was thinking how even a small 20 minute walk has an impact and is important.  In this case I used it to complete my challenge but in terms of heart health it is those small walks that when added together do make a difference to our overall health.

Although this was the shortest amount I walked during this challenge I would like to dedicate the completion to a special friend we lost recently.     Beryl touched the hearts and lives of many in the community.  Although, we knew she was not well, it was a shock and sadness when Beryl's heart stopped as she slept.    Beryl was an amazing person, with a gentle and glowing spirit.    She had a wonderful sense of humour and a joy for life.  She was widely read, interested in - and good at - healing in all it's forms.   She was creative, enquiring and always saw the best in people.   She is missed by so many as she was a friend to so many.

 I would like to dedicate this May Marathon Heart Foundation fundraiser to Beryl and her three wonderful girls.   I hope this brings some comfort to them and contributes to improving the lives of others.

Thank you all once again.  
You are all stars with amazing hearts.

Moon Shadows

The moon was so bright tonight we walked with long shadows ahead of us as we headed south and behind us as we headed north.  We thundered round and round the park, no other footsteps with us in the leaves tonight, but a couple of people with long sabre type lights scouring the river as if they had lost something.   And then Miss Grim swung into the carpark, kindly checked on us after seeing my car, and then left tooting goodbye.  Always nice to hear her car's horn, as she goes by on the way home.

Tonight in the moonlight I remembered a night up the Maiti River in Nelson.  I decided to go skinny dipping in the moonlight and was surprised to be able to feel the reflected warmth of the sun on my body.  A magical life moment.

I've just realised if I had done one more circuit tonight the 41.9  completed would have passed the 42 ks I said I would do.   So close!  Thanks for all your support in so many ways.  Back to it tomorrow!

The Street Without Fog

So different without the fog.  

Going to be different without the farm at the end of the street - they are developing about 200 houses.  

Now the work has started there are less bees in the garden and more rats in the roof, and the possom in the garden eating my rhubarb and broccoli.  But hey ho, there will be more money in some people's pockets too!

The Rain Brought the Fog.

Fog transformed this morning.   

As I wandered around the garden I remembered being in London when I was 10.  We were staying at Aunt Rosa's and she said she had a surprise for us: we were going for a walk to the library.   Before we left the house we had to hold hands and make to promise not to let go of each other.  Then she opened the door to total London pea-soup.   You couldn't see anything except fog unless you were very close to it.  It was so thick it was hard to see your own out-stretched hand.

Our little line stumbled down the road until a bus materialised out of the fog only about 3 feet from us.   I can't remember if we got to the library or if we turned home.  I can remember the total fear that we were about to be run down.   

There was no big drama with horns honking or yelling. Everyone moved to one side and the bus continued to inch slowly away from us.  People on the footpath would drift into sight and be gone as quickly as they passed us. 

No walk today as I had a touch of food poisoning and didn't want to venture too far from home today.   Back into it tomorrow; so close to finishing.


You are all amazing!  Thank you for all the wonderful donations.  We have passed the $350 goal and have now hit $381.    So that means I have adjusted the goal up to $450.

I admit to being quite shocked that we are getting closer to the $500 goal when I will then reset to $1,000 and undertake another marathon before the end of May; seeing how many kilometres on my daily walks add up to a marathon total of 42 kilometres.

Tonight, leaving work at 5.30 meant that the dogs and I were walking in the dark   It started as our most boring walk yet.... circuits of the park in the dark at pace. 

By the end it became magical because we really got into a good rhythm, all moving together, in different spots hearing the river or the wet swish of leaves, seeing the lights of cars flaying bands through the night and the intrusive beam of the huge sports spotlight over the lake.    

In one particular part of the circuit, it always sounded as though we were joined by another dog walking through the swish and scatter of the leaves. It may have been a deer on the other side of the fence walking with us but I couldn't spot it.

Yesterday we walked in hot sunny weather - today the rain has begun.

Blankets for the Pound Dogs

The purpose of our visit to Animal Control was to deliver some toys which Pig and Roo, no longer play with, and some warm blankets made by the Sit, Knit and Yarn Library group.   Roo loves to test the blankets as they are being stitched together.

Roo says thanks to Animal Control

Today, Roo and I dropped into Animal Control at the Council.  They were the people who found him and about four other members of his family dumped by the side of the road.   Roo had a coat that was three times the size of his own body when found.  He weighed 3k.  He gets very excited to visit them and obviously feels safe and loved there.   If he is lucky, one of the other Council workers who adopted his family is there and he seems very happy to smell his family on them.  Today that was Kane who adopted Sweet Pea.  Roo had a good sniff of him.

You Guys Made me Do It!

When I signed up for this challenge I thought I would be really pushing the boat out to raise $100 in these interesting financial times.   However, once we had passed $100 I added $50 to the goal.   Already that has passed so I've now made the goal $200.

When we raise $200 we contribute to genetic testing that allows people to discover if they are predisposed to heart problems.   This knowledge can save your life.   

I have a friend whose father and grandfather both died in their early 40s from heart attacks; so he knew he had to be careful. 

He kept himself really fit, ate well and walked from Island Bay to Wellington Central (and back) every day.   He did have a massive heart attack in his 40's but because of his otherwise good general health he survived it well.   

Medical staff told him without that prior knowledge and care he would have followed his relatives.    

I would really love to see if we can raise that $200 to help a family keep a loved one longer.   

Thanks again guys!  You are all awesome and I couldn't set this goal without you!

LATER THAT DAY: $265.00 donated
Crickey way over the goal. Thanks guys. Going to reset the goal in 100s now because I can't keep up with all you wonderful people. And perhaps rashly I promise if we can get to $500 I will sign up for another marathon and reset the overall goal to $1,000. Let's see what happens!

The Reality!

Let's be honest here!   Really I plonk on the hat and go!

First Winter hat of the season

Last night was the first time I needed a hat and gloves this winter.  The air was sharp and cold on my lungs.  The dogs really enjoyed running along behind the skatepark and football field....until Roo decided that it was time to explore over the stock bank and down into Queen Elizabeth Park.  Poor Pig was on the horns of a dilemma; stay with me, look after Roo or keep the possom bailed up the tree she was guarding.

While we walk the Queen waits for us.

When I found this kitten at the library she was so tiny she fitted into the palm of my hand.   The vet said she had adult teeth and estimated her to be 6 months old.   She is the sweetest and at times tricky, cat who loves the dogs very much.  I was lucky to get this picture after she posed next to some roses I had just trimmed from the hedge.  She gets excited when we get back from our walk and her friends are home again.

Oh dear!

Lee-Anne and I added one more dog to our group.  They were having a marvellous time until the new boy was a little freaked out and decided to go home. So that night I walked around some of Lake Henley and then spent a few hours driving in the dark looking for our lost boy.   He managed to take himself right across town and was home by 11pm.  Clever Dog.  He did a few more Ks on his feet than we did that night.


I am doing this challenge as I was recently told my blood pressure has returned to a normal range.   Years of incremental changes seem to have worked - even when there were times I thought nothing would!  I kept reading and applying the Heart Foundation tips in their email.  This fundraiser is ideal to support those changes in my life and to help support the Heart Foundation.  If you can, I'd really appreciate your help to meet my fundraising goal of $100.   Thanks.

Support my challenge to save Kiwi hearts

This May, I’m taking part in MyMarathon to raise funds for heart research that will help save lives.

Every 90 minutes, a person dies of heart disease.

Heart disease is the single biggest killer in New Zealand, and I want to do something to support the thousands of Kiwis whose lives are impacted by this disease every single day.

Please make a donation to support my challenge and help save Kiwi hearts.

Together, we can win the race against heart disease.

Thank you!

My Achievements

My Pledge for Kiwi Hearts

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First Donation Received

Halfway to $ Goal

Met $ goal

Logged First KM

Halfway to KM Goal

Reached KM Goal

Raised $100

Heart Hero

Thank you to my sponsors


Pam Robinson

Go Mary.



An inspiration for the community!


Eva Leyland

Love you!


Lee-anne Tait

Well done Mary .....Thank you for finding ways to look after the the hearts of others .You do that on a daily basis in so many ways😍


Patrick & Jack


Jo Buckner

Great progress towards your marathon goal, Mary. Keep it up!


Mark Pacey

Well done on your incredible achievement!


Cindy Andersen


Miss Grim


Mary Buckner


Mary Buckner

Thank you everyone!




Mary Buckner

Crickey way over the goal. Thanks guys, of course I have to tip it over the $250.00. Going to reset the goal in 100s now because I can't keep up with all you wonderful people. If we can get to $500 I will sign up for another marathon and reset the the overall goal to $1,000. Let's see what happens!


Charlotte Algie




Fleur And Ross

Go you 💕


Lisa Pedersen James

Awesome mahi Mary! Very proud of you!



Just had to knock it over half way!

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