Luca Kornelia Kosa

My Activity Tracking

64.0 km

42 km

42km goal done! 😎


I'm so lucky to have all this amazing support from you. Thank you so much for your donations and shares to help my campaign! ❤️/ Nagyon szépen köszönöm a kedves felajánlásokat és megosztásokat, nagyon szerencsés vagyok hogy ennyien támogattátok a kampányomat! ❤️

I have reached my distance goal (😎) and I'm still going. The month is getting close to the end and I still hope to reach my fundraising goal, so if you can, please support with a little to help heart research. // Teljesítettem a kitűzött táv célomat (😎) és még gyűjtögetem a kilométereket. A hónap közeledik a végéhez és remélem hogy sikerül az adománygtűjtési célomat is elérni, úgyhogy ha egy kicsit tudtok hozzáadni akkor kérlek kattintsatok a linkre. A felajánlások a szívbetegségek kutatását támogatják.

Check a few photos I took while out doing those kms! 🏞️🌳⛅// Íme egy pár fotó amit a kihívás közben fotóztam. 

8.2km walkrun

Thank you Everyone for your amazing support ❤️ - I reached more than half my target, and this is all because of you.
So now, it's time to increase my kilometers! Today we walkran a big loop around Shakespear Regional park in perfect, sunny winter weather! ☀️👀

First activity!

After experiencing my first ever Covid, I finally started the challenge on Tiritiri Matangi Island on Sunday. After a weekend of hihi work we had the chance to walk around the island - and this was the perfect start as I am still recovering! 😊 

Support my challenge to save Kiwi hearts

This May, I’m taking part in MyMarathon to raise funds for heart research that will help save lives.

Every 90 minutes, a person dies of heart disease.

Heart disease is the single biggest killer in New Zealand, and I want to do something to support the thousands of Kiwis whose lives are impacted by this disease every single day.

Please make a donation to support my challenge and help save Kiwi hearts.

Together, we can win the race against heart disease.

Thank you!

My Achievements

My Pledge for Kiwi Hearts

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First Donation Received

Halfway to $ Goal

Met $ goal

Logged First KM

Halfway to KM Goal

Reached KM Goal

Raised $100

Heart Hero

Thank you to my sponsors


Flo Pirotais

Well done Luca!


Steve Morgan

Enjoy the run and good on you!



I am always behind you Cica ❤️



So so so proud of you Luca ❤️❤️❤️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️





Hajra Luca!! Le a kalappal az elkotelezodesed, kitartasod es lelkesedesed elott ❤️ Bence, LivLiv es Nono





Marianna Kovács-angel



Darren Markin


Luca Kornelia Kosa


Melanie Elliott

Go Luca, thank you for raising awareness ❤️


Matt Ross


András Dósa

Sok sikert! Hajrá!


Pataki Csaba

Szia Luca! Sok sikert kívánok Neked! Csaba - csuf



On to the next day 😉

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