Kahira Rau

My Activity Tracking

152.0 km

100 km

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #26

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #26

30 days of walking, for a minimum of 30 minutes, in conjunction with doing the Heart Foundation's MyMarathon Fundraiser, in memory of my dad's Roger Crimmins πŸ’š and Tiria Richards Monga πŸ’™ as well as for my own better health and well-being.


Kia ora koutou

Today my walk was dedicated in honour and memory of several people who have passed beyond the veil, and this day is the special bond that connects them all ....

* My dad Tiria Richards Monga - 12yr anniversary (26.05.2012)
* James Hapeta - happy heavenly birthday
* Te Taonga o te Aroha - happy heavenly b/day 26.05.07 - 27.05.07
* Tāne aka Budd Budds - 2 months running free over the rainbow

Heoi, kua hinga he totara i te wao nui a tane i te ata nei.
E te kuia, tōku whaea keke, okioki koe i runga i te rangimarie πŸ’”

Sadly, shortly after starting my hīkoi, I received a call from my mother to let me know that her sister had passed away this morning in her sleep. Today was already, he rā maumahara, a day of remembrance, and now once again it has become a day of mourning, he wā pōuri.

Therefore, I also dedicate my hīkoi to my beautiful Aunty Ellen and her whānau, my mother and Uncle Paul, the last remaining siblings of 20 and to all those who knew and loved her. Rest in love <3

With the shadow of grief enveloping me, I still wanted to honour the commitment that I made and as I did my 12 kms, I gave thanks and blessings with each step that I took, with every photo and video that I was able to capture, a snapshot of the beauty that we are surrounded with.

It was a lovely autumn day, a perfect day for walking and I absolutely enjoyed being out in nature, where I could lose myself for a small window in time, before having to come back down to reality. The sun was shining, but it wasn't too hot and there was little to no wind at all. One, really couldn't have asked for a better day and that was evident with the number of people on the trail, walking, running, bike riding or exercising the dog.

Again, I was lucky to be able to do a walk close to home, so I didn't need to drive to get there. I chose to do the Waikanae River Trail, which is approximately an 11.75 km loop, starting from the old SH1, on one side of the river down to the Otaihanga Domain, across the river bridge and back up the other side, where I then walked back home via the supermarket, for a total of 12.32 km, 18610 steps and 2 hours 40 mins of exercise.

Mauri ora!

Mai30 Fitness AoitepΓΆ - Health & Wellbeing
Tānetewaiora πŸŒ… For Life, Light & Prosperity

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #24

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #24

30 days of walking, for a minimum of 30 minutes, in conjunction with doing the Heart Foundation's MyMarathon Fundraiser, in memory of my dad's Roger Crimmins πŸ’š and Tiria Richards Monga πŸ’™ as well as for my own better health and well-being.


Kia ora koutou

Please tell me I'm not the only one that goes for an 8 km walk at night, comes home, does the washing and bakes a cake? Surely not, hmmmm.

As you can well imagine, I am now sitting here writing my post with the smell of home baking wafting down from the kitchen, as I wait for the cake to cool before transferring it to a wire rack. The frosting is also made, but that won't be put onto the cake until tomorrow morning when it's fully cooled down and the frosting has thickened, nom nom nom.

It was a given that I was walking tonight and I didn't once try to make excuses as to why I couldn't or shouldn't go. So after making dinner for my mokopuna, I got myself ready and off we set, leaving home just after 7 pm, one fur baby at a time.

The first one out the door is always Sassy and since she is the most active or full of beans, I usually take her for a slightly longer walk than the others. Mainly because she can handle it and if I'm honest, because she almost demands it, often trying to get me to keep walking when we get back for the changeover.

With no plan as to where exactly or what route, I let her dictate the direction we would go and we ended up walking here, there and everywhere and if she had her way we would have kept going. Once we were back home, it was time for the others to have their laps around the block.

As always they were as enthusiastic as a can be and it's totally obvious that they get just as much enjoyment as I do, maybe more, getting out into the big wide world. The strange thing is, for the 2 hours of actual walking activity that was recorded, it took just on 3 hours to complete, so that makes for a whole lot of stopping and starting. But hey, it's not like I had anywhere else to be in the middle of the night.

Our walk would have been incomplete without photos. I tried to take advantage of every opportunity that I could, to include the moon in the shots that I captured. Due to the way the cloud was dispersing the moon light, it wasn't always successful, the haze made the images less crisp. I did, however, manage to get some that I really liked, using trees as props to add interest and some of the photos are quite deceptive, giving the illusion that it's day time.

As with all of my night walks, I feel blessed to be able to get out into the fresh air, even though it started off a little on the cool side. By the time I had finished, it had turned into another mild evening, with little, to no wind at all and in my humble opinion, the best condition to walk in because you get warm from the activity but you don't overheat because it's too hot.

The main thing I was thinking about as I was walking this evening, is what I would like to do for my Sunday walk. I know, tomorrow is Saturday, but on Sunday it will the 12th anniversary of my dad's passing, so I will be dedicating my walk in memory and honour of him. I have a couple of ideas, but haven't yet decided which one I'll opt for. My plan is that I will walk at least 12 kms and now it's just a matter of figuring out the best way to achieve that.

If anything, tonight was a good indication of approximately how long it should take and that it is definitely achievable for me. Once completed, it will be my longest single walk to date and it will take my total distance to over 150 kms for the kaupapa. I best not count my chickens before they have hatched.

So for now, I'm just be happy with the 8.39 km, 13,957 steps and 2 hours of activity that I did do.

Mauri ora!

Mai30 Fitness AoitepΓΆ - Health & Wellbeing
Tānetewaiora πŸŒ… For Life, Light & Prosperity

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #23

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #23

30 days of walking, for a minimum of 30 minutes, in conjunction with doing the Heart Foundation's MyMarathon Fundraiser, in memory of my dad's Roger Crimmins πŸ’š and Tiria Richards Monga πŸ’™ as well as for my own better health and well-being.


Kia ora koutou

I spent the late afternoon trying to think of a good reason or four, why I wouldn't go for a walk tonight, but as the time got nearer to when I would be heading out, my whole attitude and mindset shifted and I was no longer finding excuses, because I knew that I was going and more importantly, I actually wanted to.

Therefore, it just goes to show that when the urge is that strong, there is no point in fighting it. TΕ«whitia te hopo, mairangatia te angitΕ«!

Ordinarily, on a Thursday evening I would be doing a shorter walk, taking my walking companions two at a time, but tonight I really felt like doing a longer one, even after trying to find all the excuses not to go which was in itself, a huge turn around. Not only that, I also felt the urge to walk a different route and that's exactly what I did for the first and last circuits.

What I really noticed though, when we started out, was just how mild the evening was. Even though it was after 9pm and I could feel the gentle caress of the cool air as it brushed my cheeks, it wasn't cold. There was very little wind at all really, in fact, it was a relatively still evening, despite the brooding looking clouds overhead.

I felt at peace.
I felt invigorated.
I felt energised.
I felt like I didn't have a care in the world.
I felt like it was just so natural to be out walking, almost like I was on autopilot, but with intention and purpose.
I wanted to be walking and not once did it feel like a chore.

For whatever reason, I was happy to be out and about, listening and stepping to the beat of the music, dancing and swaying while waiting for the grass sniffers to get going again. I was like a child who was having fun. Sure there may have been the odd occasion when I got a little annoyed with the length of time spent in one spot, but once we started moving again, it was like the words of Elsa from Frozen ..... let it go, let it go and that's exactly what I did.

It also occurred to me while we were walking and from what I could observe as I was taking photos, that it was quite a bright evening. The sky seemed very light almost like what dusk would be before the darkness descended, even though there was plenty of cloud cover. The moon wasn't clearly visible, rather it was shrouded in the fluff balls, and perhaps that's the reason why it gave off such an illuminating glow to the night. Most unusual given that it's more often than not, quite dark when we've walked on previous evenings.

Of course it wasn't until I got home that I saw a post about it being a full moon tonight, which made sense of the brightness. In retrospect, perhaps that is also the catalyst to why I had such a strong urge to get out of house and into the fresh air. While I don't personally follow the moon phases and the effects of the moon on ourselves and our surroundings, maybe tonight I did, subconsciously.

Whatever the impetus, I am so glad I didn't find a reason to stay home, and it's now obvious that the desire to go out is much stronger. Indeed, I can honestly say that it feels natural and the right thing to be doing, especially in the evenings and if that means I have created a habit, I'm okay with this habit, because it's good for my health and well-being and it's good for my fur babies.

Now I just need to figure out why my watch sometimes decides not to record my hΔ«koi properly. At least there is some record of what I have done for the day, so even if it's not exact it will be suffice.

So until tomorrow ......

Mauri ora!

Mai30 Fitness AoitepΓΆ - Health & Wellbeing
Tānetewaiora πŸŒ… For Life, Light & Prosperity

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #22

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #22

30 days of walking, for a minimum of 30 minutes, in conjunction with doing the Heart Foundation's MyMarathon Fundraiser, in memory of my dad's Roger Crimmins πŸ’š and Tiria Richards Monga πŸ’™ as well as for my own better health and well-being.


Kia ora koutou

Well I've gotta say that tonight's walk was a bit of a hard one ..... but let's set the scene first.

Caught up with a friend this afternoon and we decided to have a bite to eat down at the local beach. When we got there, my immediate thought was, ooooh I should do my walk here and then realised I had the entirely wrong footwear on to be doing that and there was no way I was ruining my boots, when I could walk the seashore another day, when I had planned it.

After our meal, we both felt as full as a bull, but as always there is room for an ice cream and a coffee, so it just had to be done. Now when I say coffee, I don't mean one of those little dinky takeaway cups, I'm talking the biggest jumbo size you can think of. As you can imagine by the time that was consumed, we were filled to the gills and some.

Before leaving to head home, it was already after dark, which as we know comes around way sooner nowadays, not overly late, in fact just a little after 6pm and my friend asks me if I was going walking, thinking that I may not be. I immediately answered 'yes', because I already knew in my mind that I wanted and was going to and now the scene is set ....

Once I arrived home, I changed into my walking gear and because there didn't appear to be any threat of rain this evening, I decided to take my walking buddies one at a time. I made sure not to put on too many layers, because I didn't want to overheat again, despite it being a little windier out there tonight.

Out the door we went and started round one of the block. A short while into the walk the wind picked up and I wondered if I had made the wrong decision about going one at a time and not putting on more layers, but even though it was a tad blustery, it was warm.

Maybe half way around the first block, I started to feel a little uncomfortable, as if my puku wanted to explode, and I felt bloated, even though it had been approximately an hour after eating before the walk started. As we know bloating causes discomfort and often finds a way of escaping and apparently walking is a good way to help ease bloating, so it was kind of a win win, right?

With each trip around the block, I wasn't really sure if the bloating was easing, really didn't feel like it and there were times when I found myself getting a little breathless, so then I started wondering if I should just finish the walk early. But being the non-stubborn person that I am, I didn't want to let my walking companions down and I really wanted to walk, despite the discomfort.

So, I continued walking making sure not to push myself too hard and I think the fur babies were somewhat aware that was what I needed, because they themselves walked at a more leisurely pace. Such clever cookies they are.

Needless to say, when I was compelled to express myself in an unladylike manner, I let it happen naturally, the benefit of walking at night when no one else could hear. Oh the horror of it and way too much information, oops.

I will say though, when the wind whipped up from time to time, I relished the feel of it on my face, especially when I was feeling so uncomfortable. The freshness of it's touch was invigorating, it felt like it was waking me up, as if it was renewing my spirit. I can't really describe it, but I wanted to just stand and receive it, like an awakening of the mind, soul and body.

Therefore, even though the walk was a bit of a hard one, it was a good one. 6 kms later, 10,071 steps taken and 1.5 hours out in the fresh air, was just what I needed and I'm determined to keep the momentum going. Add to that, a couple of donations today, winning!

Mauri ora!

Mai30 Fitness AoitepΓΆ - Health & Wellbeing
Tānetewaiora πŸŒ… For Life, Light & Prosperity

P.S I am feeling heaps better now. Got home, had a good drink of water, relaxed for a bit and now I'm not feeling so bloated.

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #21

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #21

30 days of walking, for a minimum of 30 minutes, in conjunction with doing the Heart Foundation's MyMarathon Fundraiser, in memory of my dad's Roger Crimmins πŸ’š and Tiria Richards Monga πŸ’™ as well as for my own better health and well-being.


Kia ora koutou

Three weeks in and still going strong!!! It's fair to say that consistency, as well as the right mindset, are definitely the key.

If you were to have asked me two months ago if I would definitely be doing at least 30 minutes of exercise every single day, whether it be walking or something else, in my head I would have been thinking absolutely that's the plan, but I wouldn't have conclusively been able to say yes.

But for the last 3 weeks, even though there has been the odd time where I wasn't keen, once I reminded myself that I had made a commitment, it was easy. I knew that it was going to happen no matter what, and I'm definitely that much better for doing it.

Tonight was no exception. The weather has been bleak all day, in fact downright freezing, not to mention raining on and off, but I was determined that I was going to do my hΔ«koi sooner or later, some way or another, with or without the fur babies. It was happening, no matter what!

So the first hurdle was jumped, my mindset set the intention, and all that was required after that was the follow through. Without giving the weather any more attention than was necessary, I put on my waterproof shoes, bundled up warm, zipped up the waterproof raincoat, and out the door I went with the first two excited fur babies.

A mental note to myself: remember that it isn't always freezing just because it's raining.

So that was a definite mistake for me, layering up to combat the cold, because it was very mild out, despite it being so cold earlier in the day. Even though there was light rain falling, before I was half way around the first circuit, I started to overheat. It probably didn't help that I was trying to move them along quite quickly in the hopes of not getting too wet, just in case the heavens opened up.

The second circuit went equally as quickly, although there were a couple of minor hiccups with the boys, as only there could be, haha. But again, we managed to complete the lap with nothing more than light precipitation from up above. I'll admit that at the end of it all, I was definitely feeling a little damp, not so much from the rain but because I got my glow on from being hot. Commonly known as perspiring, unlike men who sweat.

Another day done and dusted. Another walk completed with the assistance of my happy walking companions. All targets achieved, 50 minutes of exercising, 3.46 kms in distance, and 5,457 steps. As a matter of interest, no trees or plants were harmed by the invasive camera tonight, just a couple of short videos of wagging tails.

Mauri ora!

Mai30 Fitness AoitepΓΆ - Health & Wellbeing

Tānetewaiora πŸŒ… For Life, Light & Prosperity

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #20

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #20
30 days of walking, for a minimum of 30 minutes, in conjunction with doing the Heart Foundation's MyMarathon Fundraiser, in memory of my dad's Roger Crimmins πŸ’š and Tiria Richards Monga πŸ’™ as well as for my own better health and well-being.
Kia ora koutou
Out and about pounding the pavements this evening after dark, the moon was high over head and it's light filtering through the clouds, emitted a subtle luminescent glow. This, coupled with the street lights, made taking photos relatively easy, even though the exposure and capture still need to be set to night setting.
As a result, tonight's pictures have ended up being quite vibrant and give the illusion that it was a lot lighter than it really was. Not that I'm complaining at all, because I'm rather enjoying this amateur night time photography and shadow walking and I'm loving the results of what I have taken, especially the the contrasts and colours.
The fur babies had the luxury of walking one at a time tonight, which gave both them and myself time to take a leisurely stroll, with no additional stress on me being pulled in two different directions, dependent on which blade of grass or tree they were heading towards. Sometimes that can be most annoying, just saying and may even result in the odd terse utterance.😱
As odd as it sounds, I do find it more relaxing this way, one at a time, even though it makes the walk more drawn out. However, the benefits outweigh the downside, that is, I get to be out in the fresh air for longer, I certainly get more steps in which means more activity and I get to be in my own space, away from the noise and distractions of life. Which is good for one's holistic well-being, especially for one's mental health.
So, the fur babies and I walked, trotted, bopped, pranced and shadow danced around the block 5 times with an extra half lap thrown in each circuit for good measure. While it may have started off a little fresh around the gills, by the time I was 3 kms into the walk, I had most certainly warmed up and it ended up being a rather pleasant and mild night out.
I think the fur babies realised that tonight they could take their time if they wanted, that they could meander and enjoy the aromas that they so diligently sniff out and that it wasn't going to bother me at all and indeed it didn't.
It was such a chill walk and I let them dictate their stride. If they wanted to go faster, we picked up the pace and if they wanted to just walk quietly, strolling along like there was not a care in the world, that was perfectly okay too.
So we did our time clocking in nearly 1.5 hours of activity, walking a total of 5.15 kms and taking 8,962 steps. It might not have been the fastest trek around the block, but it was most certainly a good one and we will take that for the win!
Mauri ora!

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #18 and #19

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #18 and #19
30 days of walking, for a minimum of 30 minutes, in conjunction with doing the Heart Foundation's MyMarathon Fundraiser, in memory of my dad's Roger Crimmins πŸ’š and Tiria Richards Monga πŸ’™ as well as for my own better health and well-being.
Kia ora koutou
Well this will be a little bit of a long one, sorry 'bout it πŸ™‚
Day #18, wasn't a typical day of exercising for me, because the original plan was I would be helping my friend to wheelbarrow loads of firewood up her inclined driveway, from the road and that was going to double as my activity and walking. While the actual activity went ahead, my part in it was revised due to my friend needing to vent her frustration, so she wanted to do it on her own, which meant I got to play with her doofus of a puppy, Walter and that in itself was a heap of fun. I did still manage to get in over 30 minutes of activity, a distance of 2.19 km and 4,060 steps, so it wasn't a total disaster and still met me daily target.
Day #19, and what a day for achievements. I have officially met both of the targets that I set for this kaupapa, my Fundraising Goal of $100 and my Distance Goal of 100 kms. Now to keep going and seeing how much further I can walk until the end of the month and also to see if I can work on my fundraising game.
Today, I was meeting up with some friends who had a stall at the Ōtaki Market and decided I would do my hīkoi along the Ōtaki River Walkway. Isn't it funny though, for all the years that I lived in Ōtaki, I never did it and now that I had to drive there, suddenly it was a thing to do and it was well worth it.
I left home, where it was rather grey looking, so made sure to take a warm jacket and when I got to Ōtaki the sun was shining and it was a very pleasant autumn day. So while I didn't need my jacket in the end, I still took it with me just in case and as they say, it always pays to be prepared for any situation or unexpected change in circumstances.
After parking up, I looked at the different walks I could do. There were three different walks that could be done and I fully intend to do them all at some time or another, but for today I opted to do the longer one that goes out to the river mouth and return, a total of 8 kms.
The walk is along a mostly gravel path, with the river on one side and the quarry on the other. It is a shared path, as well as also being dog friendly, so I expected to see other walkers, runners, bikers and people with their dogs. I did pass a few, but definitely not as many as I expected given how lovely the day was.
As you will see by the video montage that I have put together, the scenery is just stunning. The colour of the river was so blue and vivid, the autumnal tones of the trees were akin to a warm colour palette, the gentle breeze with just a hint of chill was dampened down by the warmth of the sun, which was pleasant and not sweat drenching hot.
The pΔ«waiwaka (fantail) were flittering here and there, darting up and down, in and out, playing while following along. The kingfisher sitting on the kakau of the flax bush, the hawk that was gliding on the updraft of air, the shag with his wings outstretched perched on a rock sticking out of the water, the magpie catches the sun's rays on a quarry rock. Nature at its best, that was momentarily disturbed by the intermittent sound of the bird scare guns going off from time to time.
A short while into the walk I wasn't entirely sure that I would be able to complete the full distance because I felt like I had shin splints, which I'm sure if you're had them, you know they can be painful when walking. If I had to hazard a guess as to why my legs were feeling like this, I would say with almost certainty that it had to do with my unexpected half hike up the Escarpment Track on Friday. Take about battle scars when you least expect them.
Stopping at one of the several bench seats on the walkway, I massaged the sides of both legs and decided to set off again. I told myself at this stage, that if the pain continued or got worse, I was already approximately 2.5 kms along the track, that I would take the win of what I had achieved and would go back to my car and tackle the walk another day.
Obviously, it worked a treat because I was able to continue going forward, and before long I was no longer feeling the pain. Now, you may say I was being a stubborn mule, here we go again, by not stopping just in case, but then again, it may just be that I was finally warming into the walk. Determination has a way of getting you over the finish line.
When I got to an area of the river which wasn't quite at the river mouth, if I really wanted to get right there I would have had to take a detour which would take me onto the beach, just for me to walk back to the opposite bank of where I was standing, give or take, so I was satisfied with where I stopped and it was there that I did a karakia, which encompasses the whakataukΔ«, Kia hora te marino.
After some more photos and a good look at the view, I turned around and headed back to my car. This time I passed more people biking, as well as a man who was on like a motorised mono wheel, that required him to have very good balance, as there was nothing to hold on to for stability. I also had a quick conversation with a woman who was walking her fur babies, Dory, a long haired Corgi and Kimba, a Border Collie.
As I was nearing the car park, I noticed a man who was trying to get his dog moving the way he was going but the dog sensed that I was getting near, stopped, looked towards me and wasn't budging. Now I know that look and stance, because that is exactly how mine are when they see people while we are walking and why I now prefer to walk them in the evening when there are less or no people around. Definitely makes for a faster walk time, doing that.
Once I was back in my car, I went and caught up with my friends and then headed back home, to do my usual evening activities before setting out again with my furry walking companions. Needless to say, they were as keen as mustard to get out there and by this stage the icy fingers of the Antarctic were nipping at my cheeks as we set off. 3.15 kms, 5,460 steps and another 48 minutes of activity chalked up. So definitely an all round day of wins for me.
Mauri ora!

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #17

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #17

30 days of walking, for a minimum of 30 minutes, in conjunction with doing the Heart Foundation's MyMarathon Fundraiser, in memory of my dad's Roger Crimmins πŸ’š and Tiria Richards Monga πŸ’™ as well as for my own better health and well-being.

Kia ora koutou

When a thought becomes reality .....

Today I dedicate my hΔ«koi to a very dear friend, who sadly is no longer earthside with us, because today would have been his birthday. So happy heavenly birthday, Roy Aramoana. You are deeply missed by your loving wife, Elmaadi Gage-Aramoana, your amazing daughter, Vienna Aramoana, your beautiful mokopuna Havana Aramoana and Payton and all those who knew you, including me, of course <3

With that in mind, I thought I would take a trip on the train to Paekākāriki, on the premise that I was going to walk the Kohekohe Loop Track, which in theory would take about an hour and is located just at the beginning of the Escarpment Walk, which in itself is approximately 10 kms and ends up in Pukerua Bay.

Anywho, off I went to the station, boarded the train for a quick 10ish minutes down the road, got off and walked along the old SH1, before Transmission Gully opened, under the bridge over the railway track and got to where the Escarpment Walk begins. The walk from the station to this point takes about 10 minutes, so I was already getting my steps and kms logged, winning!

I'm humming along quite nicely, stopping to take a photo of the signpost for the walk I wanted to do, but however my brain processed that information, it didn't do it right. Even though I saw the path, that I should have taken, when I looked at the photo, I totally misunderstood what I was seeing, thinking that I needed to walk another 5 minutes give or take to where I would then turn, head up the hill, do the loop and come back down the path I had seen. Boy was I wrong!!!

Although, I had forgotten my headphones, so no listening to music while walking, my brain obviously chose to switch off completely, because I was well past 5 minutes of walking before I starting thinking, where is the path I'm supposed to be taking? As it happened, there was another couple who were also going to be doing the same loop track and they too said the same thing at one of the places we stopped. They chose to turn around right there.

Anyway, I carried on walking figuring that I'll come across it sooner or later, but also noticed that I seemed to be getting higher and higher up the hillside and then the realisation dawned on me that I must have missed it altogether, still not thinking about the path at the signpost I took a photo of, and that I was on the actual Escarpment Walk path.

Here I was, totally unprepared to do this particular walk and I was walking it. Given that it was early afternoon and the walk takes approximately 3.5 - 4 hours to complete, if you're fit and able, there was no chance I was ever going to attempt it, today, because contrary to what some people might believe, I'm not a stubborn mule, even if I'm a Taurean. Okay, maybe I can be determined or unwavering, but does that really make me stubborn? Don't answer that lol.

So, I just kept on climbing up the side of the hill, anyone would think I was a goat or something, taking one step at a time and decided to go as far as I thought I could manage, before I would turn around and head back the way I had come. There was no way, not even in my non-stubbornness, that I was even going to try and complete the full walk, because I knew I would be setting myself up the fail, so I saw this as a reccy for the day when I would be ready.

The view from up there was absolutely stunning and I can only imagine how much better it gets as you go further along the cliff face. I tackled a few sets of steps and kept getting higher and higher and thought I would go to about 4 kms before turning back, so not quite half of the track but a good distance for a looksee. I reckon though, if I had gone 5 kms, I probably would have carried on, would have been criminal not too at that stage. You know, six of one, half a dozen of the other.

At one point as I was still heading up, I looked ahead and saw 3 more sets of steps, I'm sure there were still more to come and I was like, nope that's me, I'm turning back. I believe there are approximately 1,200 steps in total, as well as 2 swing bridges to cross, and I would have liked to have gone across one of those, but I wasn't sure how far away that first one was from where I stopped. Not to mention, there were still those steps I could see before that. So yeah, I guess I chickened out about then.

I was still really stoked with how far I had gotten, considering I was unprepared, especially going up the steps I managed to go up with my creaky ole knees. I now know I will need to put knee braces on when I do get around to doing the full track and I will start much earlier in the day to give me time to get across before that afternoon sun starts to set.

Heading back down was easy and I am saying this is relation to some other walks I have done, where going down is really hard on the legs, especially the knees. So I found that pleasantly surprising and actually enjoyed the descent. Plus did I mention the view, spectacular.

As always, photos and short videos were taken, and because I was out in the nature, I chose to do a karakia in acknowledgement of Our Surroundings. I didn't realise until I looked at it when I got home, that as I was flipping the video the sound cut out momentarily and a couple of the kupu were lost or cut short, but hopefully you will understand the intent. I also sang a waiata that I learned many many years ago, in fact I did it twice, once in the ngahere (bush) and the other in the open as I did a panoramic sweep of the view.

From woah to go, it was a total of 14,595 steps, a duration of 2.5 hours and trying to calculate the distance, because I forgot to finish the activity log when I caught the train home so it registered that journey as well, approximately 10 kms of walking.

I must say, I really enjoyed the impromptu and unexpected walk and it just goes to show that sometimes it pays to just get out an do it, before you find a reason to change your mind.

********** ****************** ********** ******************

Even with doing a huge walk this morning, I wasn't going to let my fur babies miss out, so after dinner and a quick cuppa, I put on my shoes again and out the door I went with the girls to start our evening hΔ«koi.

The wind had picked up and there was a bit of chill in the air, but once we got moving quickly, it soon started to warm up. I let them decide which way they wanted to go and instead of turning where we normally would do our loop, they chose to carry straight on down the road, which worked for me.

A quick couple of night photos, as proof, and this time I did remember my sounds, so I had some good beats to step along with. It was a good walk, seem effortless and went quickly, maybe because they didn't stop and start as often as they usually do. I must say it makes walking them so much easier when there isn't the usual stop start, but I have to remember, this walk is for them and not really for me.

Once they were done, it was the boys turn and again they went straight ahead, so we did the exact same loop the girls did. Funnily enough, even they didn't really stop as much as usual and like the girls, they seemed to be quite happy and content walking this evening. Like it was seriously one of the best walks ever, go figure.

So another 3.41 kms, 5,937 steps and just shy of an hour to add to my totals, so today was an absolute win win win. So much so, that I did a whopping 26,345 steps today, which I believe may possibly be my highest amount ever and a little over 4 hours of activity, which far exceeds the 30 mins I set as my daily target. It just goes to show, if you put your mind to it, you can achieve it.

Mauri ora!

Mai30 Fitness AoitepΓΆ - Health & Wellbeing
Tānetewaiora πŸŒ… For Life, Light & Prosperity

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #16

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #16

30 days of walking, for a minimum of 30 minutes, in conjunction with doing the Heart Foundation's MyMarathon Fundraiser, in memory of my dad's Roger Crimmins πŸ’š and Tiria Richards Monga πŸ’™ as well as for my own better health and well-being.

Kia ora koutou

It's that time of the day ..... aren't you lucky? :P

Was feeling a little off colour today, so I didn't get out to do a hΔ«koi for myself, but I did manage to have enough get up and go to do some baking with my mokopuna, and just quietly, it was rather yummy. Promise, I stopped after two pieces :)

To be honest, I so easily could have used being a bit 'meh' as a reason to not go out with the fur babies, but I pulled up my big girl britches and off we went, once again two at a time because I wasn't sure how I'd cope doing the full 5 -6 kms.

Even though it had been blowing a gale and there was certainly enough evidence of how strong it had been prior to us getting out there, with branches and leaves strewn all over the place, it was relatively warm out. The air was not interlaced with icy fingers, as has happened on previous evenings and there was still enough puff to be tossing the trees around.

Once I was out there, I felt like it was where I was supposed to be and what I was supposed to be doing, it just felt right. Being out in the fresh air, somehow has a way to clearing my mind, eliminating the noise. It's like nothing else matters, it's just me and the elements, and the added benefit of exercise for my fur babies and for my own well-being.

Seems a bit of an oxymoron to say that it clears my mind, when I have music playing, because that's introducing sound and how then does that eliminate the noise?

However it works, it just does and so I bop along to the beat of the music, striding out in step to the rhythm, sometimes humming, sometimes singing and I just walk. And somehow, walking at night feels so much easier, more peaceful and relaxing.

Not sure what happened with my activity tracker tonight, it was playing silly games, it didn't really register my walking properly, but I'll take whatever it says, because I know that I did the time and I did the steps, so that is all the matters.

Mauri ora!

Mai30 Fitness AoitepΓΆ - Health & Wellbeing
Tānetewaiora πŸŒ… For Life, Light & Prosperity

P.S - I heard the song for tonight's video as I was walking and thought it was perfect for how I was feeling and thinking, once I got going. Enjoy!!

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #15

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #15

30 days of walking, for a minimum of 30 minutes, in conjunction with doing the Heart Foundation's MyMarathon Fundraiser, in memory of my dad's Roger Crimmins πŸ’š and Tiria Richards Monga πŸ’™ as well as for my own better health and well-being.

Kia ora koutou

When you commit to walking rain, hail or shine and it starts raining at walkies time. Typical Murphy's Law, but I guess it had to happen sooner or later.

I contemplated flagging it and getting on the spin bike to do my 30 mins of exercise, but then I thought of my walking buddies and the enjoyment and excitement they get when they are able to go out and explore the big wide world. That in turn made me think, what the heck, it's just water and proceeded to get ready to head out.

With raincoat and waterproof walking shoes donned, off we went two at a time, which for certain was going to make it a shorter walk, but also less time in the rain, especially if it decided to bucket down. Thankfully, first trip around the block yielded very little precipitation, but second time around, it was definitely a case of, raindrops keep falling on my head. Now come on, admit it .... who sang that line?

All in all, despite the slight dampness from getting a little wet, it was a lovely walk and I'm so glad I didn't take the easy way out. The fur babies are definitely happier for it too and I will admit, so am I. It always feels so good to have the wind on your face with each step that is taken.

Once my walking companions were settled back where they belonged, I figured why stop and get in the car when I could just walk to the supermarket to pick up a couple of items that I needed for baking tomorrow. Yes, I am fortunate that I live close enough to be able to do that.

So off I went, picked up what I wanted, had a little natter, as you do and while I was walking home, yes you guessed right, it started to pour. Luckily for the worst of it I was able to duck undercover at the local eatery just down the road, until it subsided, nattering to someone else who had done the same thing, and then I continued home before the next squall hit.

This means it will be another short post, but I am still very happy with what I managed to get done. 3.79 kms, 6,346 steps and duration time of 1 hour. Touchwood, the weather will be less inclement when I go for walkies tomorrow.

Mauri ora!

Mai30 Fitness AoitepΓΆ - Health & Wellbeing
Tānetewaiora πŸŒ… For Life, Light & Prosperity

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #14

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #14

30 days of walking, for a minimum of 30 minutes, in conjunction with doing the Heart Foundation's MyMarathon Fundraiser, in memory of my dad's Roger Crimmins πŸ’š and Tiria Richards Monga πŸ’™ as well as for my own better health and well-being.

Kia ora koutou

Today I dedicate my hΔ«koi to my beautiful sister, Elena Gapper, as she celebrates her 60th birthday and perhaps that means she now has to donate $60 towards the kaupapa. Hari huringa tau, e te tuakana :) Hehehehe, now how is that for a donation pitch :P

It was a lovely autumn day, the sun was out, there was a bit of coolness in the air and the odd glimpse of grey clouds hinting at rain, but all in all a spectacular day to get out and about for a hΔ«koi, especially after a busy morning.

I timed my walk so that I could get the kms done, as well as making sure that I wasn't late for picking up a prescription from the chemist. I must admit though, in my head I was planning on walking along the Waikanae River track, but then realised that there was a chance or maybe I should say likelihood that I could be late, so I altered the route.

With that said, I still enjoyed being out in the fresh air, even though it was late afternoon and starting to cool down some. But that just gave me a reason to step it up, pump the arms a bit more and quicken the pace, getting the heart rate up and keeping warm from the exertion.

Needless to say, it didn't stop me from taking pictures along the way, of things that I found interesting or different, because there is always so much to see and admire, when you're not racing by in a car.

Walking opens up your eyes to a whole new perspective and appreciation of others landscaping ideas, their gardens, the different coloured flowers and variety of plants, as well as the autumnal hue of the trees, just magical. I love the earthiness of the yellow, orange and red tones and how they just blend together so prettily.

There is a strong likelihood that I will be pounding the pavement again this evening after my online class, because I'm sure the fur babies will be chomping at the bit to get out for their ritual sniff session. Definitely no rest for the wicked in this house, haha. So if I do, I will update my total then.

But for now, a 4.17 km hΔ«koi that took 54 minutes and a total of 6,278 steps, which has ticked over a cumulative total of 65 kms so far, with just 35 kms left to meet my target. As promised, if I do or rather when I do meet my goal of 100 kms, I will continue to keep walking to see how far I can go.

Mauri ora!

Mai30 Fitness AoitepΓΆ - Health & Wellbeing
Tānetewaiora πŸŒ… For Life, Light & Prosperity

EDIT:Β  As anticipated, I did do an evening walk with my walking buddies so added an extra 5.09 km, 8,607 steps and 1 hour 22 mins of exercise to today's total .... yay!

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #13

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #13

30 days of walking, for a minimum of 30 minutes, in conjunction with doing the Heart Foundation's MyMarathon Fundraiser, in memory of my dad's Roger Crimmins πŸ’š and Tiria Richards Monga πŸ’™ as well as for my own better health and well-being.

Kia ora koutou

I dedicate my hīkoi this evening to JamesnDebbie Futter Puati and their family in honour of their father. Mā te Atua koutou e manaaki, e tiaki hoki <3

Well that's another day done and dusted with all the boxes ticked and I'm feeling so much better for it. No longer does it feel like such a hassle or struggle to get out the door, because I have a purpose and a reason, which is equally as important as the commitment that I made to this kaupapa and more especially to myself and my own health and well-being.

It was such a pleasant evening for walking, the temperature was mild, with maybe a few sneaky fingers of chill, but for the most part it was a perfect night for a stroll around the block. A quintessential evening to just feel the gentle whisper of the breeze upon one's cheek and to admire the ethereal beauty of nature in the darkness, juxtaposed with the street lights.

As always, I marvel at how beautiful things look at this time of the night, so there were photos taken of different flowers and trees to make up my post for this evening. For the most part the fur babies played the game and waited for me while I was snapping away and trying not to move due to night mode photography.

Overall, I was really happy with the walk and how at ease I felt doing it. For whatever reason, even though it was for over an hour, it seemed to go quite quickly, which I can only assume is because my fitness level is increasing, as well as my stamina.

So a whopping 10,058 steps, 6.02 kms, gotta get that .02 in hahaha and a duration of 1 hour and 32 minutes of activity .... a wonderful way to honour and walk for JamesnDebbie's dad, as well as for my dad's Roger and Tiria.

Mauri ora!

Mai30 Fitness AoitepΓΆ - Health & Wellbeing
Tānetewaiora πŸŒ… For Life, Light & Prosperity

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #12

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #12

30 days of walking, for a minimum of 30 minutes, in conjunction with doing the Heart Foundation's MyMarathon Fundraiser, in memory of my dad's Roger Crimmins πŸ’š and Tiria Richards Monga πŸ’™ as well as for my own better health and well-being.

<3 Hari Rā Māmā <3

Kia ora koutou

Today's post is going to be a short one .... yeah, right! No, honest it will be, because I'm already behind the 8 ball in that it is now the 13th and I'm still getting this done, tut tut tut.

The main thing is, I got the mahi done. I finally got out and pounded the pavement, clocking up the steps and added a few more kms towards my target, as well as doing more than 30 minutes of exercise.

As expected, the fur babies were happy campers getting out for a sniff and butt wiggle and we timed it perfectly. It had been raining earlier in the evening and all we saw was the evidence on the pavement and the parked cars, so we definitely dodged a bullet.

Anyway, we managed to do 2.75 kms which was more than enough to get the targets met and more than enough to keep them satisfied until tomorrow, when they can go for a longer hΔ«koi.

Mauri ora!

Told you, it'd be a short one :) :)

Mai30 Fitness AoitepΓΆ - Health & Wellbeing
Tānetewaiora πŸŒ… For Life, Light & Prosperity

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #11

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #11

30 days of walking, for a minimum of 30 minutes, in conjunction with doing the Heart Foundation's MyMarathon Fundraiser, in memory of my dad's Roger Crimmins πŸ’š and Tiria Richards Monga πŸ’™ as well as for my own better health and well-being.

Kia ora koutou

Not sure whether I should be kicking myself or not .... after all, it was well publicised that there was a good chance of being able to see the Aurora this evening and there would have been so many good places to park up and wait, but nooooo I forgot all about it, or perhaps I just figured I wouldn't get that lucky and so put it out of my mind.

Now what does that has to do with anything? All will be revealed in due course, but now to set the scene .....

Due to the postponement of my usual Saturday night outing, I decided I wouldn't walk during the day and that I would save it for this evening, when I would give my fur babies a treat .... they usually have tonight off due to me being out late.

The first trot around the block commenced about 7.45 pm and nothing unusual or spectacular happened, it was just the same ole humdrum, sniffing grass, stopping and starting and getting the steps in.

The second lap was pretty much the same as the first, until we were almost at the beginning and then I noticed the sky and thought, wow, that's not normal. In fact very odd indeed, especially since it was dark out and then suddenly there were patches of red glowing through the breaks in the cloud cover.

So of course, I had to stop and take a couple of photos, no easy feat when a dog is pulling on the lead and you're trying to keep the phone steady as it tries to capture a night shot.

I got to wondering, whether this red sky was because of the Aurora that was predicted and since we weren't facing South at the time, I'm assumed that perhaps it was just a freak of nature.

But then I get home and started seeing all the different shots that had been captured around the same time and I now you can see why I could kick myself. While, what I saw wasn't as impressive as what I could have seen had I made the effort, I can at least say I saw evidence of the Aurora.

Now does it make sense why I started my spiel this way? I'm not going to cry over spilled milk or the missed opportunity, because ultimately, I was doing what was good for my mind, body and soul and I was spending quality time with my fur babies and giving them some joy and happiness.

9,396 steps later, 5.42 kms and 1.5 hours of fresh air, to make one feel alive and grateful for each breath and every new day to make more memories.

Mauri ora!

Mai30 Fitness AoitepΓΆ - Health & Wellbeing
Tānetewaiora πŸŒ… For Life, Light & Prosperity

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #10

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #10

30 days of walking, for a minimum of 30 minutes, in conjunction with doing the Heart Foundation's MyMarathon Fundraiser, in memory of my dad's Roger Crimmins πŸ’š and Tiria Richards Monga πŸ’™ as well as for my own better health and well-being.

Kia ora koutou

Decided on an afternoon walk today, after a relatively busy morning zipping here, there and everywhere and I must say, what a beautiful autumnal day it was.

After the threat of what was to be a very cold and bitter morning, I woke to the sun streaming in through the windows and after tentatively slipping my foot out from under the covers, I discovered it wasn't really that cold at all, so up and at 'em I was!

That's not to say that there wasn't a slight chill in the air, but it wasn't anywhere near needing to have the fire blazing or refusing to throw back the covers because you wanted to keep snuggling. Although to be fair, who doesn't enjoy staying tucked up and cosy?

After a couple of appointments, getting the flu jab, waiting an hour for a prescription to be filled, which resulted in shopping and spending money, it was time to fill the tum tums, before heading home.

It was at that point that I thought, it's such a lovely day, I think I will go for a quick stroll around the block, rather than just sitting at home, doing what needs to be done, or perhaps not doing it but thinking that I should be. It's a neverending dilemma, shall I or shall I not, yes do it now or it can wait for another day, sigh.

So I popped in the earbuds, turned on the beats and off I waddled down the road, in my own little happy place with not a care in the world. Other than making sure to look left and right when crossing the road, just in case my silhouette could not be seen, yeah, right lol.

Again I just walked randomly, one step after another, taking whichever road took my fancy and I came across the Motuiti Reserve, which I have passed by on occasion but never ventured through. So I figured why not today and that's what I did. It isn't a very big reserve, but it was very pretty, lovely and peaceful, even though it is surrounded by houses on adjacent streets.

No waiata today, but I did a karakia as I meandered the well developed path, just taking in the ambience, while thinking how delightful it is and moreso how lucky we are to have such areas nestled amongst our suburban dwellings.

So, it wasn't a long walk but it was definitely a good one and there is every likelihood that I will be walking again this evening, but I thought I would write this one up now, while it was fresh in my mind and I was ahead of myself.

The main thing is, the walk met my daily goal of 30 minutes exercise each day, as well as adding to my target of 100 kms for the Heart Foundation MyMarathon fundraiser. A distance of 3.27 km, a total of 4,706 steps and a duration of 40 minutes, so winning on all fronts.

Remember that each day is a blessing and a chance to be thankful for everything. Don't forget, if you get a chance, hug a tree!!

Mauri ora!

Mai30 Fitness AoitepΓΆ - Health & Wellbeing
Tānetewaiora πŸŒ… For Life, Light & Prosperity

EDIT: I wasn't sure if I would do a night walk, but I thought of how excited my fur babies would be once they saw me getting ready and that was enough to make me do it, even though there was some hint of potential showers.

Fortunately, I managed to dodge the bullet with only a few drops coming down, even though I was prepared to suck it up and get drowned if necessary. Just to see how happy they are to get out and about, sniffing every blade of grass makes it all worth it, not to mention the benefit that I get from being more active and being out in the fresh air, rather than cooped up at home.

So, I added another 2.93 kms to today's distance, an extra 4,419 steps, and clocked up 40 minutes more of activity time. I really am grateful to have a reason, in memory of my dad's and for myself and my whānau in general, but also for my fur babies happiness.

I have added another short video to introduce two more of my walking companions, this time Tiakareti who is the older brother and Hurricane who is the younger one.

Mauri ora!

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #9

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #9

30 days of walking, for a minimum of 30 minutes, in conjunction with doing the Heart Foundation's MyMarathon Fundraiser, in memory of my dad's Roger Crimmins πŸ’š and Tiria Richards Monga πŸ’™ as well as for my own better health and well-being.

Kia ora koutou

It's a bit of a late one, but it's still the 9th, so I'm scraping in by the hair of my chinny chin chin. Not that you can see it, thanks to my snood. But I'm wondering what the bejingas was my eye looking at when I was taking my selfie, that is seriously scary hahahaha.

I wasn't really feeling it again this morning, doing my extra walk without the fur babies, so I just took the time to rest and relax. Mind you, I'm also going to slightly blame the rain, the odd splatter that we had, even though I have told myself that I will be walking rain, hail or snow, because a little bit of water never hurt anyone, right?

While I was taking this break, I did contemplate about how cold it might get this evening when I did go out, knowing it would be after 9.30pm, especially based on last night's walk and the news that it was expected to get to 0 degrees overnight and that there was the potential for a power shortage in the morning.

So I made sure to be prepared, such a good little Girl Guide, and got together some winter woolies, of sorts, a snood, gloves and rain coat, just in case the sky did decide to weep again.

Since it was a late walk, I decided to take the fur babies together, so that I wasn't out as long as usual and consequently the distance walked wasn't as far, but still nothing to sneeze at. We walked for an hour, clocking up 6,699 steps and did a total of 3.89 km.

Funnily enough, I was wrapped up like the Michelin man and about half way into the walk, I took my snood off because my head was getting hot and I didn't need the gloves because the wind and chill factor was a non-event. See, that's what you get for being prepared, but at least I can't cry about not being ready.

Anyway, that's really about all for today, other than to say I can mark that one off as being done and dusted for both kaupapa. I am glad that I had a tangible reason and purpose to get out the door, that is walking the fur babies, because I think it really could have been very easy for me to go, it's ok I'll make it up tomorrow and that very well may have become the start of a slippery slope to giving up on my committment.

Before I go, let me introduce you to my walking partners in crime .... Sassy, who you met last night and joining her this evening was her mum, Koha.

Mauri ora!

Mai30 Fitness AoitepΓΆ - Health & Wellbeing
Tānetewaiora πŸŒ… For Life, Light & Prosperity

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #8

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #8

30 days of walking, for a minimum of 30 minutes, in conjunction with doing the Heart Foundation's MyMarathon Fundraiser, in memory of my dad's Roger Crimmins πŸ’š and Tiria Richards Monga πŸ’™ as well as for my own better health and well-being.

Kia ora koutou

There will be no long novel today, not because I didn't complete my committment to doing a minimum 30 minutes exercise each day, merely because I chose to rest today and did a night walk with my fur pups. As a consequence, there are no photos or words of imagery to share, although, I did take a very short video snippet on the first lap, just so the proof is there :)

I'm not sure what the temperature is where you are, but I can tell you that it felt like the South Pole had moved to the Kāpiti Coast. The wind was super freaking chilly, especially when it decided to try and blow my nose off my face.

Mind you, anyone watching me would have thought I was a walking oxymoron ..... here I am trundling down the road in a warm all weather jacket, although that wind found a way to pierce through the barriers, and believe it or not, only wearing knee length bike shorts for the bottom half of my attire.

I mean, seriously, what was that all about? But I have to say, even though I felt the icy fingers gripping my shoulders and chilling my face to an ice cube, my legs were somehow spared the assault and didn't feel a thing.

However, I do think I had better plan my night walking clothes a little better in the future, that is track pants, a beanie and gloves, to help keep the body temperature comfortable.

So even with the southerly wind nipping at my nose and ears, I pushed through and did my laps, completing a total of 5.5 kms in just under 1.5 hours, thereby achieving the daily goals that I have set for myself.

I tallied up the cumulative distance total done pf what I have logged walking so far and I am just half a km short of completing a marathon distance of 42 kms, so I'm a happy little beetle and look foward to adding more kms tomorrow.

Mauri ora!

Mai30 Fitness AoitepΓΆ - Health & Wellbeing
Tānetewaiora πŸŒ… For Life, Light & Prosperity

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #7

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #7

30 days of walking, for a minimum of 30 minutes, in conjunction with doing the Heart Foundation's MyMarathon Fundraiser, in memory of my dad's Roger Crimmins πŸ’š and Tiria Richards Monga πŸ’™ as well as for my own better health and well-being.

Kia ora koutou

Well I'm a little bit miffed because I started writing my post earlier today and had to go out, thought I had saved it, but it turns out I hadn't and now I have start all over again. Talk about humbug, but here we go .....

Today was much cooler out, but thankfully the sun was shining and as long as I stayed on the right side of wherever I walked, I was able to stay warm. Yes, I know ... if I was walking fast enough that would do it too :)

Wasn't too much of an issue getting up and out the door, unlike a couple of days ago, so I'm glad I have sorted out my mindset and sure hope it stays that way. I am doing this for a great cause and for my own health and well-being!

Feeling my Irish roots this morning, I put on my light green Mai30 Fitness shirt and matching shoes and in the words of Ray Charles, hit the road, Jack.

I hadn't planned on anywhere special to walk, so decided just to head down to the local sports field to do a lap and my main focus today, was really just to get my 30 mins of activity logged, as well as adding kilometres for MyMarathon. Still gotta work on the fundraising side, but I'm sure that'll happen when the time is right.

Less than five minutes from my house, is the Wi Parata Reserve and I was enticed to deviate through there, after hearing the alluring call of the tΕ«Δ« as they frolicked from tree to tree. There is honestly nothing more majestical or serene, than walking through nature's beauty and feeling the calming peace and tranquility as life's hustle and bustle drains away.

To just be able to walk in a piece of paradise, being entertained by the melody of the birdsong, feeling the essence of the flora and fauna and having the sunlight filtrate through the canopy of the trees, is truly magical. Needless to say, I chose to do another waiata and karakia; while not necessarily the best place for this particular one, in terms of location and meaning, it was the one that came to me, so in that respect it was the right one.

There are several entry and exit points from the reserve, so I chose one that I'm not particularly familiar with, but figured if I followed my nose, I would either get lost or end up heading in the right direction, thank you Renee Geyer for that, and thankfully it was the latter.

Once I arrived at the sports field, I started to do my lap and observed that there were areas where you can do addition exercise activities, should you be so inclined and you will see that reflected in my video clip. I also noticed that there were some other trails, so I decided to follow one of those, again having absolutely no idea where it was going to lead. As it turned out it went up a trig station.

From there I followed the path back down and continued my lap around the field, passing yet another exercise activity area .... I did contemplate going over the rope wall, but wasn't too keen on getting stuck, so stayed on terra firma.

When I had completed my lap, I headed for home and you will see a photo looking down a long street with the hills in the distance and I live at the end of that street. However, I chose to carry on to an adjacent street to walk back home, just for a bit of a change and it's amazing the things you see, such as a bicycle used to hold up a letterbox, the unusal shapes of tree trunks, plants etc.

I must admit, as I was getting closer to home, it seemed to be getting harder, that is my hips were starting to feel a bit achy and when that happened, I really was glad to be on the home stretch. To help me overcome how I was feeling, I played music that had a strong rhythmic beat, which in turn motivated me to keep pushing through those last few minutes and it really did help, immensely.

When I finally finished, I had racked up another 4.13 kms and had exceeded my 30 minute target, by doing just shy of an hour worth of activity. I am really pleased with my progress today, finishing off my the first week of this kaupapa, with a cumulative total of 36 kms walked, well and truly a good start towards achieving the target that I have set for myself, to walk 100 kms. Onwards and counting.

Mauri ora!

Mai30 Fitness AoitepΓΆ - Health & Wellbeing
Tānetewaiora πŸŒ… For Life, Light & Prosperity

Whakataka te hau ki te uru
Whakataka te hau ki te tonga
Kia mākinakina ki uta
Kia mātaratara ki tae
E hī ake ana te atākura
He tio! He huka!
He hauhΕ«!
TΔ«hei Mauri Ora!

Cease the winds from the West
Cease the winds from the South
Let the breezes blow over the land
Let the breezes blow over the sea
Let the red-tipped-dawn come
With a sharpened air, a touch of frost &
The promise of a Glorious Day
Sneeze, T’is the Breath of Life

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #5

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #5

30 days of walking, for a minimum of 30 minutes, in conjunction with doing the Heart Foundation's MyMarathon Fundraiser, in memory of my dad's Roger Crimmins πŸ’š and Tiria Richards Monga πŸ’™ as well as for my own better health and well-being.


Kia ora anō

Well I'll be honest .... it took a bit of effort today to actually get out to do my walk, not so much because I didn't want to, I just felt tired and unmotivated and dare I say, couldn't be bothered.

However, I reminded myself that I made a committment to the kaupapa, both my own and for the cause. So once I got my head back into the game, I got up and instantly felt ready to conquer the world or wherever I chose to walk.

I am fortunate to live in a part of the country that affords me options, bush walks, river trails, the beach or many different ways of going around the streets to make up the distance.

Today, I opted to walk the Kohekohe Track, one of three options at Hemi Mātenga Reserve, which is nestled up in the hills of Waikanae.
It is fair to say that this is the easiest of all of the tracks, because even though it does have some ups and downs, it doesn't have the big ascent or descent of the other two and certainly takes considerably less time to walk. I will endeavour to do the others when I have built up my fitness ..... touchwood.

With that in mind, I started at one end, meandering through the myriad of trees, undulating up and down over the path and steps, across tree roots, listening to the sweet melody of the abundant birdsong and the babbling creek, while immersing myself in the beauty of Mother Nature, while the sunlight filtered through the canopy of trees, offering glimpses of blue sky and illuminating cobwebs that were sprawled out ready to catch something that got too close.

After huffing and puffing, because there were places where you had to use more energy than you would on a gentle stroll, I came to the end of the track and rather than walk out and back along the roadside in the afternoon sun, I turned around and went back the way I came.

As you can see, by the video complilation, whilst on my walk I stopped to take photos and videos, so I could share the stunning backdrop for today's walk. It is truly amazing to see how nature creates her domain and how everything adapts to it's environment. The colours, the texture, the imagery that one sees is nothing short of astonishing and I saw so much and I felt peace and tranquility.

I offered up a karakia when I started and as I progressed along my journey, I stopped to sing the same karakia and then further up the track, I sang the karakia again and did the actions that help to illustrate and teach us what we are singing. It just felt right.

When I had returned to my original starting point, I had completed my 30mins of activity, but because I had been stopping and starting along the way, I decided that I would repeat the trip, but this time concentrate on getting my heart rate up and walking with purpose and intention. I can honestly say, if I was huffing and puffing first time around, this one really got me going and there were definite beads of perspiration on my forehead.

Even though my watch decided to have a hissy fit and only recorded the first trip, thankfully there was another app on my phone that ticked over the steps, distance and time that I did. So between the two of them, I was able to work out that I walked for over an hour, I guess technically I may have walked for less time but I was out there for more than an hour, did a total of 4.2 kms and 7085 steps.

Returning to my car, I was so happy that I made the effort, or rather that I changed my mindset, got off my chuff and did the mahi. After all, no one else is going to do it for me. It is up to me to make the choice to honour my committment and therefore I am accountable for my decisions. Mā mahi, ka ora!

Tomorrow it is forecast to rain, but I have already told myself that I will be getting out there to do a minimum of 30 mins, irrespective of the distance. I fully intend to honour my pledge to the memory of my dad's and to help bring awareness for the Heart Foundation and the mahi that they do.

I may not yet have many who are supporting the cause by donating, however I am not giving up in that regard, because there is still time and by showing up each day, shows that I am committed and dedicated.

Mauri ora!

Mai30 Fitness AoitepΓΆ - Health & Wellbeing
Tānetewaiora πŸŒ… For Life, Light & Prosperity

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #4

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #4
30 days of walking, for a minimum of 30 minutes, in conjunction with doing the Heart Foundation's MyMarathon Fundraiser, in memory of my dad's Roger Crimmins πŸ’š and Tiria Richards Monga πŸ’™ as well as for my own better health and well-being.
Kia ora koutou, today I am posting early because I have completed my activity, doing a total of 4.17kms for a duration of just over an hour and clocking up 6,432 steps.
Saturday evenings are definitely for me .... for my emotional and mental health, that is, I get to just chill and hang with a friend, who cooks me dinner and then we just watch tv or movies, drink coffee, eat snacks, maybe not so healthy but a girl has to have some vices and we enjoy each others company, regardless of whether we are talking or not.
As an added bonus, she has a fur pup too, who just loves to have the ball thrown to him, so all night long I spend time doing that as well. He's such a muppet and so loveable, so I'm not complaining.
Anyway, back to the kaupapa. Knowing I wouldn't be home until late this evening and therefore not walking my own pups, tonight they get to have a rest, I decided to pound the pavement again, so I put on my dancing shoes, oops wrong activity, donned my sneakers, earbuds in, water bottle in hand and out the door I went for a casual stroll down the road.
Every Saturday morning, there is a local market on at one of the parks, so I figured why not head down there for a looksee and I used my noggin by leaving my wallet and cards at home so I wouldn't buy anything on the way. But that didn't entirely work, and we'll get to that a bit later.
After a quick nosey, I crossed the road and walked through Russell Reserve, where my ears were delighted by the sweet song of the TΕ«Δ« and others birds, high up in the trees above. Even though it is not a very big reserve, the beauty and serenity of the trees makes it feel like you're walking through a fairy wonderland.
Coming out the other side, you immediately see the local kindergarten and for the first time, I became aware of the stunning paintings that adorned the walls and of course I had to take photos. It is seriously amazing and the artistry was so true to life, you could have sworn they were exactly what the images were depicting.
From there, it was a relatively short walk home, but I decided to go via the supermarket just to pick up some hash brown for the bagels we were having for lunch and ended having to buy a bag to carry my spoils of war ..... yes, you know it, go in for one thing, walk out with about 10, including a bottle of milk and even though I still had to carry it all home. There was definitely no clever thinking there.
Now, I'm sure you're wondering how I bought anything if I left my wallet and cards behind. Well, I guess that's the convenience of being able to pay via your phone, which I had so that I could bop down the road listening to music, hence the earbuds. See, it all fits and makes sense now lol.
Anyway, that's me for today. Better get a rattle on, gotta feed the pups and sort the mokopuna out with their dindins before I head out for a girls night.
Take care and have a blessed day / evening.
Mauri ora!
Oh and thank you to my very first donation that was received today. You have truly made me smile and I appreciate your support ❀

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #3

πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Mai30 Days of HΔ«koi πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ Day #3
30 days of walking, for a minimum of 30 minutes, in conjunction with doing the Heart Foundation's MyMarathon Fundraiser, in memory of my dad's Roger Crimmins πŸ’š and Tiria Richards Monga πŸ’™as well as for my own better health and well-being.
It's a kaupapa that I decided to do at the last minute, well for the fundraiser at least, but the notion of exercising daily, has been forefront, especially as I get older with the risingβ˜€οΈof each new day and the prospect of becoming less and less mobile is not very comforting.
So, it's now or never ..... or as they say, use it or lose it. Yeah, I'd rather keep it thanks, so time to hit the floor running, or in my case walking, because me and running, yeah nah, not a pretty sight.
That's not to say that I haven't been working on my fitness already, still huff and puff like a steam train, but this kaupapa will definitely keep me accountable, in that I am committed to achieving the goal/s I have set for myself and no-one else can reach them for me, so now it's up to me to put in the hard yards and do the mahi.
I am fortunate in that I have some four legged friends 🐾 🐢 who love to go walkies, so it's a win win, even if they want to sniff every tree πŸŒ³πŸŒ²πŸŽ„πŸŒ΄ and blade of grass, or need to pee on every lamp post they pass. Takes a bit longer than it ordinarily should, but it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things, it's just a bit of extra time out and about, instead of being cooped up inside.
Mind you, we go out under the cover of darkness, so no-one can see us πŸ‘€ and I find it's a good time to just let the head clear itself and to have some me time. Well, technically me and them, but it's all about me, well and them ..... gee I'm not going to be winning this argument with myself, πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£
As part of the MyMarathon kaupapa, I have committed myself to walking 100km, just over the distance of two marathons and I thankfully have the whole month of May to do that.
In addition to the distance, I have also set a goal of trying to raise at least πŸ’²500 for the cause. If you feel like helping me get there, you can donate via the pinned post on my page. 🏧 Using that link, the money goes directly to the Heart Foundation.
However, if you see me walking down the street, I promise not to cry 😭 and don't walk on by, IYKYK, it just means that you have great taste in music πŸŽ§πŸŽΈπŸ“ΌπŸ–€, because I'd never suggest that you're old πŸ€₯, would I even be that rude .... and you find yourself wanting to fling pingasπŸ’°and dollars πŸ’΅πŸ’΅my way, that works too, so don't let that stop you.
No amount is too small or large😳, as it all goes towards my final total, so thank you in advance πŸ™‚ Ahakoa he iti, he pounamu πŸ’š
As a general rule, I try to walk between 5 - 6 kms per night, if I take one four legged friend at a time, but if I take them in pairs then it reduces down to 3 -4 kms, still nothing to sneeze at and it works out to be between 8,000 - 10,000 steps in total. Now that's a walk.
I worked out, that I need to average 3.2 kms per day to meet my target and I should theoretically get there before the end of the month based on the above distances. If I find that I am achieving my goal faster than expected, I will shift the goal post out a little bit further, so I stay motivated and keep going.
However, I also figured that there could be some nights where it might be raining, gotta be wary in case I melt like the Wicked Witch 🧹 of the West, or I'm too busy to go out, so today I went for a walk by myself, talk about Nigel no mates haha, so that I could get some extra kms in without the stop🚦 go, sniff pee thing going on.
So, I'm a happy πŸ˜ƒ lil beetle, because I did a total of 9.07 kms and amassed throughout the whole day, a whopping 22,753 steps 😲 which amounted to a total of 216 minutes of activity. Who even is this person? Oh and I have evidence to back me up, just in case you thought I was telling porkies hehehe.
Thank you to Te Umuariki Mei, Mai30 Fitness AoitepΓΆ - Health & Wellbeing, Tānetewaiora πŸŒ… For Life, Light & Prosperity, who suggested I document my journey πŸ“–, today being Day 1 of doing that, although I do have a record of my first two days distances, which were 5.53 km and 4.29 km, so I'm on the right track, long may it continue.
In the famous words of the aforementioned .... "that's enough for a mallowpuff", which for the record are on special at Pak'n'Save Paraparaumu, I reckon I've probably rabbited🐰 on enough and no doubt you're now snoring😴πŸ˜ͺπŸ₯±πŸ’€πŸ›ŒπŸΌ due to boredom, but it's my blog, so pffffft πŸ€ͺ
Pretty sure, the next 20 odd days won't be a full on novel like this, but Day 1 had to be a goodie or it wouldn't have been worth it.
Don't forget to hit the button and subscribe, oops I mean donate, if you feel like supporting me on my journey of raising funds for awareness around ❀️ health.
Feel free to drop a comment or three, to help keep me motivated and tune in, same bat time, same bat channel .... well definitely same channel, but the time might be hit and miss.
Mauri ora!
P.S found a way to add the link direct to my fundraising page and for those tech savvy peeps, you may wish to use the QR Code πŸ™‚

Support my challenge to save Kiwi hearts

This May, I’m taking part in MyMarathon to raise funds for heart research that will help save lives.

Every 90 minutes, a person dies of heart disease.

Heart disease is the single biggest killer in New Zealand, and I want to do something to support the thousands of Kiwis whose lives are impacted by this disease every single day.

Please make a donation to support my challenge and help save Kiwi hearts.

Together, we can win the race against heart disease.

Thank you!

My Achievements

My Pledge for Kiwi Hearts

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First Donation Received

Halfway to $ Goal

Met $ goal

Logged First KM

Halfway to KM Goal

Reached KM Goal

Raised $100

Heart Hero

Thank you to my sponsors


Te Umuariki Mei

Kei runga noa atu koe, e Kahi ..... repping yourselfm your pāpā and Mai30 Fitness Aoitepō, for better health and well-being. Proud of you and your mahi, keep it up! Rehekooooo!


Angela Addleton



I am extremely proud of you Kahunni, you are an inspiration to me and I'm sure you will smash it! πŸ’• 😍 xxx


Kahira Rau


Yvette Cotton

You rock!!!


Carleen Jnr Harimate

You rock my cuz love you xx


Richard Crimmins

Love you Sis and well done on your amazing effort.


Mae Houston

Kai pai πŸ₯° Great kaupapa ❀️


Tamar Rau

Way to go nana. What an awesome cause ❀

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