Jen Churchouse

My Activity Tracking

211.2 km

126 km

Final Weekend of May 2024

The last Saturday and Sunday of May! Wow, that came around quickly! 
I woke up early on Saturday and headed out to the Whanganui Golf Course where I attempted caddying for Fergus as he played in the senior championship final (36 holes)! It was an amazing day, and he fought his heart out and is officially the 2nd best male of the whole club!! WooooHoooo!! 
Anyway, I got a few km going, up and down and around all the hills, which landed me 2 km off my goal! 

Achieving is doable now... how many more can I go over...?

Manawatu Gorge Track - 19/05/2024

On 19/05/2024 Ferg and I walked 20km doing the Manawatu Gorge Track! The weather was amazing, views incredible, the snacks were sweet, and the company was the greatest <3

19/05/2024 was a special day for us, so to go out together and be in nature together, pushing through the steep climbs and the breezy downhills, was perfect. Although the legs are sore today it was a perfect weekend and we are well and truly on track to tick off all 6 marathons together. 

Halfway through the month of MAY!

I have discovered many walks around Whanganui that achieve 2kms in 30 minutes. My favourite is walking 1km to the beautiful Whanganui River where I get this stunning view! 

Team Jen and Ferg have exciting outings planned over the next few weekends so watch this space!

Here's to halfway (through the month not quite kms yet)!

Gearing up!

A plan has been drawn up and dates set! Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays are my free(ish) days... Not for MAY! 
To achieve this goal, I will have to push myself and that means moving every day of the month. 

I am looking forward to getting outside and reconnecting with my WHY. 

Tūwhitia te hopo, mairangatia te angitu 
(Feel the fear and do it anyway)

Support my challenge in the name of healthy hearts

This May, I’m taking part in MyMarathon to raise funds for heart research that will help save lives. I am setting the goal to travel 126km (equivalent to 3 Marathons) over May. 

Every 90 minutes, a person dies of heart disease.

I have experienced the impact that undergoing heart surgery has on a family. Therefore, I am undertaking this challenge to not only stand with those affected but also to improve my own heart health and spread awareness. 

Heart disease is the single biggest killer in New Zealand, and I want to do something to support the thousands of Kiwis whose lives are impacted by this disease every single day.

If you are able to please support this amazing cause and donate to my page. I aim to not only achieve but pass my goal in the name of heart health. 

Thank you!

My Achievements

My Pledge for Kiwi Hearts

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Halfway to $ Goal

Met $ goal

Logged First KM

Halfway to KM Goal

Reached KM Goal

Raised $100

Heart Hero

Thank you to my sponsors


Rod Calder

Good on you Jen! I'm sure you will do this easily.


Carol Churchouse

Go you!


Garth Hamblyn

Go Jen & Ferg!



You're 4.7% (5.9 km) behind where you should be on this day of the month... Come on!

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