Hamish Waugh

My Activity Tracking

89.8 km

84 km

Thank you

Thank you for your donations to the foundation, it really is a great cause and the work they do is vital to our community's. 

I underwent an aortic root replacement surgery in August 2021 and that experience and my care in the public health system over the past 40 years has led me to become a big supporter of the foundations work.

Support my challenge to save Kiwi hearts

This May, I’m taking part in MyMarathon to raise funds for heart research that will help save lives.

Every 90 minutes, a person dies of heart disease.

Heart disease is the single biggest killer in New Zealand, and I want to do something to support the thousands of Kiwis whose lives are impacted by this disease every single day.

Please make a donation to support my challenge and help save Kiwi hearts.

Together, we can win the race against heart disease.

Thank you!

My Achievements

My Pledge for Kiwi Hearts

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First Donation Received

Halfway to $ Goal

Met $ goal

Logged First KM

Halfway to KM Goal

Reached KM Goal

Raised $100

Heart Hero

Thank you to my sponsors


Seearco Distributors Ltd


Paint Aids Limited

Great effort Hamish !


Andrea Robinson

Go Mish!


Mike Clowes

Good luck Hamish


Almax Industries

Go well Hamish, excellent charity to support.


Ashley Waugh

Well done Ham





Steve & Renee Old

Good on ya Mish!


Dave Foot


Colin Gooch

Go well boy


Rot Doctor

Great cause mate, good luck.


Repair-care Nz

Keep Going Mate nearly there.


Katie & Tom Firth

Nice one Mish - such an important cause. Good luck!


Bruce Hodges


Russell Davidson

Love your work Hamy 😁






Just awesome ❤️❤️❤️❤️


John Flannery

Well done Hamish


Rob & Maggie Resene



Run Hamish Run!


Dave Clarkson


John Gerondis

Kepp ticking along Hamish, you'll get there.


Debi Verkerk


Vaughan Smidt

Well done Hamish....double the kms and I will double the donation!!!


James Waugh


Patrick Katoa


Selina Wilson


Tim Simpson


Anita Reedy


Craig Sampson


Dave Bolleboom


Dani & Jess

How many beats does a heart beat at a nudest beat(ch)


Craig Cassidy


Megan Glass


Mike Durkin

A good cause Mish - never forget the timeless quote in Forest Gump - "Run Forest Run"


Christine Gibbs

Very supportive of your achievements so far.




Luke Bigwood


Mark G

Keep it up!


Michelle Hemingway-rushton


Ben Solly

Good on ya mate! A great cause! Cheers Ben


Chris Wright

Good luck Hamish!


Amy Rose Todd

Nice work Mish 💪🏻




Janice Waugh

All the best Hamish.


Olivia Mckenzie

Go DJ Mish!! So impressive, amazing stuff!


Jennifer Kyle

Great going Mish!

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